February 24, 2024
Lion of Judah was created in
Connersville, IN
We would like to take a moment to share with you how and why our loving organization has been thoughtfully created, along with the heartfelt journey that led us here. Our non-profit organization emerged as a passion-driven response to the urgent need to help our fellow brothers and sisters who find themselves in distressing situations. As our founders faced the harsh and often unforgiving realities of being homeless themselves, they gained a profound understanding of how significant and pervasive the problem of homelessness has become in our society. They were able to witness, firsthand, the immense emotional and psychological stress that comes with being homeless, affecting not only a person's physical well-being but also their mental and emotional health in devastating ways. It all began with a sincere desire to provide compassionate assistance to those who struggle with the everyday challenges of homelessness. So, they gathered their thoughts, their resources, and their hearts to develop our comprehensive 6-month transitional program, aptly named Hope Faith Love. Our unwavering passion is to support those who may not know how to navigate and overcome the multifaceted struggles associated with homelessness. Our mission is to reach out and help as many individuals as we can, with the hopeful and courageous goal of making a positive difference in lives all over the world.